The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) makes available more operational and process data, providing useful information to whoever needs it, whenever they need it, wherever they are.

Digital Transformation is the process of moving companies from a manual and “paper” based data gathering environment to a digital platform that provides unified, real time information that forms the basis of this operational and process data.

Triple I can help you get started on this path towards developing and rolling out your IIoT strategy by:

  • helping to provide the INFORMATION you need
  • utilizing our INNOVATION in the area of collecting and visualising data
  • providing you with INSIGHT to your operations and processes from a different perspective.

We do this by providing the following services:

  • solutions for measurement and monitoring
  • identifying “sources of data” and information architecture audits
  • data structure and standards development
  • data interfaces and communication drivers
  • plant Historian connection and configuration to access historical data
  • report configuration for live and historical data
  • IIoT hardware supply, configuration and testing
  • proof of concept engineering


A wide range of sensors are available, most powered by battery (or fixed installation if available) and new battery-less sensors are being developed that work based on sound or motion energy as well as RF. Sensors to measure temperature, humidity, vibration and pressure are readily available and generic input versions are available to allow interface to standard 4-20mA or 1-5VDC devices. They are used in a diverse range of applications including agriculture, heavy industry, water wastewater, city wide power metering, building management and even people movement and product tracking.

Wireless Networks and the Cloud

Low powered wireless networks (LPWAN) are a common way to access devices and provide a connection to the Internet and associated Cloud based services. These devices  maybe widespread and don’t have an existing way to connect to an existing control or monitoring system.  Networks such as LoRaWAN and NB-IoT, for example, are rapidly becoming popular due to their ability to transmit data over long distances, several km’s in the open, a few km’s in built up urban areas and good coverage within buildings. This, and the use of simple, low cost and low powered battery operated devices, allows you to deploy large numbers of sensors across wide areas without having to build fixed infrastructure. Data is accessed via secure Cloud based services like Amazon Iot, Azure IoT or Google Pub/Sub, allowing visualisation and further analysis of this information using AI or ML tools.


Viewing this sensor data (or assets) in realtime can be achieved in several ways, one of which is ARDI (Asset Relationships and Data Integration).

ARDI is an innovation platform enabling rapid development and deployment of real-time, contextual asset information solutions – using IIoT technology to deliver knowledge that is convenient and easily understood. Visualisation can be done in the following ways:

  • Dashboard panels
  • AR (Augmented Reality)
  • 3D (Virtual Environments)
  • 360 degree photography
  • VR (Virtual Reality)