Manufacturing occurs across a broad range of industries that add value to a raw material by converting it into something else or they may assemble several products to produce another good but are also hard to define in their own right. Cement manufacture is one but as a final product can be used in many other industries – tunnels, housing, building a new water treatment plant, forming the foundations for a new food processing facility.
This can also include companies that build house framing, manufacture roofing sheets or fences, make plasterboard, build water heaters, making copper tubing, nuclear isotopes or electrical cables etc. However all of these types of business need to have a means to measure, control, monitor, report and maintain whatever operation they use to produce their goods. They also need power and other services such as design or upgrading of equipment, safety audits etc.
Triple I can provide specialised personnel who have the experience and application knowledge required in these areas, especially:
- automation and electrical engineers for control and electrical systems, measurement and reporting
- functional safety (FS) HAZOPS, design, audits and Hazardous Area’s (EEHA)
- electricians for installation and maintenance
- instrument technicians for correct installation and calibration of key measurement parameters
- mechanical fitters to fabricate, install and maintain the various plant equipment around the site.