Engineering & Technology

Electrical Construction

Mechanical Construction

Service & Support


Why choose Triple i as your Solutions Partner?

Equipment Certainty

Improve your overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) by having the right set-up and equipment in your plant.

Gain the assurance of ongoing service and support as well.   

Technical Knowledge

Triple  i  has a large base of highly skilled experts from many disciplines with the technical abilities to meet your needs.

As part of our integrated solutions, from engineering to electrical, mechanical to services, we utilise various skills in your one application.

Industry Experience

With over 35 years’ experience in the automation and control industry, Triple  i  has tried and tested services, equipment, and support to satisfy your needs.

Our team comprises the most experienced professionals in our field.

Each member strives to provide the quality of service our reputation is built upon.

Project Scope

Triple  i  has dedicated teams across all departments with the capabilities to undertake projects both large and small, and those under ongoing contract or one-off projects. 

Industry Specialties

We provide solutions for businesses across many industries, including mining and minerals, water and wastewater, metals, energy and infrastructure, food and beverage, chemical, oil and gas, and manufacturing.

Regardless of the project, we have a solution for you.

Quality Assurance

A commitment to quality drives our operations. 

Triple  i  is accredited with ISO9001 Quality Management Systems.

The accreditation is testament to the processes, resources, assets, and cultural values that support our goal of customer satisfaction and organisational efficiency.

Quality ISO 9001 

Safety Focus

Safety is paramount at Triple I, both for our staff and our stakeholders.

Triple i is accredited with ISO 45001 for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, which acknowledges our comprehensive approach to occupational health and safety, and our continual improvement of processes.

Our clients are assured that we conduct our services under safe work practices.

We continually monitor risks and implement strategies for improvement.

Quality ISO 45001 

Optimise  Resources

We can ensure your plant and/or assets are operating at optimum performance and utilising resources efficiently.

Having the most appropriate and reliable equipment, along with continued maintenance and support, means breakdowns can be significantly reduced.

This minimises your maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) spend.

Whether it is time or money, Triple i can help you optimise resources.


We are committed to the health and safety of our employees, customers, community, and the environment, while delivering the quality services that meet or exceed our clients’ expectations.